Track & See!

Where Your Social Media Actually Appears!

Start to manage and monitor your "active social media" better!

Are you spending time and effort on social media to promote your business and your brand?

Do you have a dedicated social media department or is your social media managed by a Social Media Agency?

Either way we assume you are in agreement that social media does make an impact on your brand and business. It can make it climb sky high, but then also it can do the opposite.

So the big question is, do you know how well your brand is being recognised in your area, your sector of business, locally or globally?

We can provide you with a solution which will allow you to detect and monitor ALL the social media comments about your brand or business, wherever it occurs, globally!

We can provide you with reports on how well your brand is being reported in your local area or by whatever search you would like, just to see IF and how your business and brand is being mentioned across social media.

If your are spending time and money, on your in-house social media team, or outsourcing it to a "Social Media Agency", then would you like to be able to see whom, when and where your social media posts are being seen, globally!.

Of course we can also allow you to discover where your competitors are being seen across social media too, allowing you to refocus on your social media content to attract the same customers but better!, or maybe you would like to address the market, location, area which you can quickly discover is not being targeted by your competitors, so you have less competition and can find more business customers easier.

To summarise the above, we can help you can actually see who is really getting the most interest across social media, in your area, for your business, locally and globally.